Gingivitis in Syracuse, NY

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums. It's when the gums get puffy and red and a little bit of bleeding can occur. That is from bacteria. It's bacteria-driven. As bacteria accumulates around your teeth, it creates this kind of inflammation around the gums.

What causes gingivitis?

Gingivitis is caused by bacteria. Everybody has bacteria in their mouth, and it accumulates around your teeth. Without properly cleaning your teeth, some of these areas become a little bit overgrown with that bacteria. That bacteria causes them to become a little bit more bleeding, a little bit more inflamed and swollen, and that is gingivitis.

How is gingivitis diagnosed?

Gingivitis is diagnosed by a couple of tests that we do at this office. We will check the gums and check for this inflammation. If we see a lot of swelling and bleeding around the area around your teeth, that is an indication for gingivitis.

What can a dentist do to treat gingivitis?

One of the things that will really help is to have a nice, thorough cleaning. That will take all of that bacteria from around your teeth and help the gums to become healthier. As long as you stay on a regular cleaning schedule, that should prevent further gingivitis as well.

How long does it take to cure gingivitis with a good treatment program?

When you come in with gingivitis, you would have a cleaning done. Usually that takes one appointment. The gums usually resolve in about two weeks, so the gums should become healthier. It just depends person to person.

When should I schedule a dental appointment if I suspect that I have gingivitis?

Schedule an appointment right away. Have somebody look at everything and make sure that it doesn't get progressively worse. Things get worse by waiting. The best way is to get scheduled right away.


I hope I was able to answer some of your questions. If you have more questions or if you'd like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (315) 630-3637.