Lyudmila, or Lyuda for short, was born in Ukraine. She can speak both Ukrainian and Russian fluently! She left the Ukraine in 1992 and came to the United States.
Milena grew up in Syracuse, NY and recently graduated from the University at Buffalo. She majored in Environmental Geosciences and minored in cultural anthropology.
Christina initially grew up in the rural area of the Catskill Mountain region of Upstate NY and moved with her family to the Queensborough area of New York City as an adolescent, where the rest of her extended family still resides.
Andrea studied Technical Theatre and Fine Arts in Buffalo, NY, and enjoyed an inspiring career working for bands and theatrical productions that came to the area.
Cassie was born in a small town about forty-five minutes away surrounded by both sides of her family. Family is very important to her so leaving them was a tough decision. Cassie relocated to the area at the beginning of July 2022.
Oksana Dmytryk was born and raised in the city of Ternopil, Ukraine. She always had natural inclination towards caring for others, which ultimately led her to pursue a career in nursing.
Tatyana Kupchak was born in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. She came to America when she was a year old. She looks up to her parents and grandparents who are hard working. Tatyana takes great pride in her family’s extreme perseverance and dedication.