Periodontal Disease: The Connection between the Mouth and Body

Researchers have found out that there is a strong association between chronic diseases such as respiratory disease, pregnancy complications, diabetes, and the heart disease with the periodontal disease.

As par Syracuse dentist the main characteristics of the periodontal disease include periodontal infection below the gum line, gum tissue inflammation, and presence of bacteria in the oral region. It therefore follows that preventing the progress of this gum disease reduces the chances of developing the mentioned chronic conditions. You should maintain excellent standards of oral hygiene in order to reduce the risk of bone loss as a result of the gum disease.

The chronic conditions associated with periodontal disease include:

The Heart Disease

When oral bacterium finds its way into the bloodstream it attaches itself to the coronary artery and may cause the formation of clot or narrow the coronary artery. This may in turn lead to a heart attack. For patients with a pre-existing heart condition periodontal disease can cause inflammation which leads to a significant plaque build up. The person’s condition will certainly worsen as the arteries swell.


Researchers have found out that a pre-existing diabetic condition is more likely to result in periodontal disease. On the other hand, periodontal disease tends to raise the level of blood sugar in the body. It, therefore, becomes difficult to control blood sugar levels hence a higher risk of serious diabetic complications.

Respiratory Disease

Research studies have shown a strong link between the oral bacterium that cause gum disease and conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pneumonia, and emphysema. When oral bacteria is drawn in a person’s respiratory tract it colonizes and causes bacterial infections. Inflammation in gum tissue increases the chances of inflammation in the lungs which can result in pneumonia.

Pregnancy Complications

Women often experience hormone fluctuations during pregnancy, menopause, and even in the puberty stage. The fluctuation of hormones during this stages increases their risk of developing periodontal disease. Researchers have indicated that periodontal disease in pregnant women can result in underweight, premature babies.

Labor during pregnancy is usually induced by prostaglandin. The levels of this chemical increase in women with periodontitis resulting in premature labor hence the delivery of an underweight baby. This disease also increases the levels of C-reactive proteins thus amplifying the inflammatory response of an individual’s body. This increases the chance of premature and low birth weight babies in pregnant women. It may also result in preeclampsia.