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Is Teeth Whitening Right For You?

There are many teeth whitening products and techniques that can help you achieve a brighter smile. The main purpose for teeth whitening procedures is to brighten the appearance of a person’s smile. This might require as much as five to ten shades in a single treatment session.

The American Dental Association has indicated that teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental treatments across the United States. It is important to note that your teeth naturally darkens as you age. Additionally, darkening can be as a result of certain medications, beverages, foods, and habits. The good news is that one can erase years of stains on their teeth in a single professional whitening session. Proper maintenance is, however, very important for you to sustain the results. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry points out that proper maintenance can be achieved through good oral care and whitening treatments (take home whitening treatments) recommended by your dentist.

Teeth whitening is an ideal dental treatment for individuals with healthy, unrestored teeth and gums. Are you a candidate for teeth whitening? Well, if you are experiencing discoloration you are a candidate. However, it is essential you have healthy teeth and gums. You can always visit your dentist and find out whether tooth whitening treatment would be right for you. There are those who are sensitive to whitening agents hence the need to talk with your dentist.

What to expect

Teeth whitening often involves thorough tooth cleaning and polishing to remove all debris and plaque. A whitening agent is then applied to your teeth surface and activated before being washed off with water. Note that your gums will be protected before the agent is applied. The results will depend on the degree of discoloration as well as the natural shade of the teeth.

Post-Treatment Care

You might experience some sensitivity after the procedure. Some of the recommendations after a professional whitening treatment include avoiding highly pigmented beverages such as coffee and tea for a day or so to prevent staining of your teeth. Your dentist may also recommend at-home whitening depending on your results and long-term goals.

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