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Root Canal Therapy By Smiles By Design

Root canal therapy is needed to restore or rather save your tooth when its nerve has been affected by infection or decay. The procedure usually involves removing any decay, the bacteria, nerves, and the pulp before the space is filled special, medicated dental materials. This procedure helps in restoring the tooth to its proper function.

Our goal at Smile by Design is to help patients in Syracuse, New York make proper treatment decisions and ensure they maintain a long-term oral health. Our staff always provide the needed information in making informed decisions regarding the options of treatment available.

A root canal is the best treatment option when it comes to saving a tooth that otherwise would die. What most patients fail to understand is that removing a tooth can result in significant problems for the adjacent teeth. Tooth extraction is, therefore, not the best solution especially when there is a chance of saving the tooth. A root canal treatment can last a lifetime. You may, however, be required to go for retreatment occasionally due to new infections.

What are the symptoms for possible root canal therapy?

  • Sensitivity to cold and hot
  • Tenderness or swelling
  • Severe toothache pain
  • A pimple or an abscess on the gums

Some of the reasons you might have to go for a root canal therapy include:

  • If you have a trauma or an injury on your tooth
  • If the root tip or the inside of the tooth has an infection or abscess
  • If the decay has reached the tooth pulp

What does it involve?

Root canal therapy may require more than one appointment and is usually performed by an endodontist or a dentist. During the treatment, the infected nerve area within the roots is first cleaned by the dentist.

After the tooth has been made numb, the dentist places a rubber dam around the tooth to ensure it is dry and free of saliva. The dentist then makes an access opening on top of the tooth before placing a series of root canal files into the opening and removes the bacteria, nerve tissue, decay, and pulp one at a time.

A permanent filling is used to seal the tooth once cleaning is done. If another appointment is needed the tooth is filled with a temporary filling. The next appointment involves filling and sealing the inside cavity and roots with special dental materials. A crown (cap) is usually placed to prevent the tooth from breaking. You will experience sensitivity after root canal treatment but this subsides as the tooth heals and the inflammation diminishes.

Our satisfaction is in knowing that you trust our treatment enough to recommend us to your friends and family. Come and have an experience at Smiles by Design today. Our caring professionals in Syracuse, New York offer quality dentistry to patients around Syracuse.

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