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Dental Fillings: What You Need to Know

For centuries, people have attempted to fill in diseased or decaying teeth with fillings to prevent further issues. The first recorded use of dental fillings dates all the way back to 659 AD in China when Su Kung mentioned the use of dental amalgam to fill cavities. In France in 1826, silver coins were melted with mercury to create a “silver paste” for fillings.

Luckily, the technology for fillings has advanced significantly since then. Now, dental fillings are a common, safe, and efficient way to save teeth from decay and restore your smile. If fillings are in your future, it’s important to know the ins and outs of what to expect. Why would you need them? What choices do you have? And how much will it cost?

Why Do I Need a Filling for My Cavity?

In most cases, fillings are needed because your tooth has developed a cavity. Cavities, also known as dental caries, are basically a hole in the surface of your tooth caused by tooth decay. Although very small cavities can often be treated by your dentist with fluoride treatments, more advanced cavities will probably require a filling. 

How do these cavities form in the first place? Well, when sugars from the foods you eat interact with bacteria in your mouth, this forms an acidic substance called plaque which wears away at the outer surface of your teeth (enamel). At this point, it’s very important to see a dentist for a filling. As the cavity progresses, the decay can spread deeper into your teeth and cause more 

Signs & Symptoms of a Possible Cavity:

  • Pain in your teeth/toothache
  • Bad breath (halitosis) or bad taste in your mouth
  • Pain when you chew food
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Discoloration, dark spots, or holes in teeth
  • Swelling or bleeding

Although those are common signs and symptoms of tooth decay, people don’t always experience symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to see your dentist for regular check ups. If your dentist has discovered you have cavities, there’s no need to be alarmed. Not only are fillings an efficient and safe way to prevent further tooth damage, but cavities are incredibly common — among adults aged 20 to 84, 92% have had cavities! Dental fillings are an extremely common procedure that can quickly and efficiently take care of your cavities.

Why Else Would I Need a Filling?

Although cavities are the main reason for needing a filling, there are some other reasons your dentist might recommend a filling:

  • Old fillings. To replace an old or damaged filling.
  • Root canal. To keep your tooth root safe after a root canal.
  • Cosmetic. To fill in gaps in teeth to make for a more confident smile!

Types of Fillings

Once your dentist has talked with you about your cavities, it’s important to make a decision with your dentist about the type of filling you’d like to receive:

  • Amalgam. For more than 150 years, dentists have been using amalgam fillings to patch up cavities. Usually, these are made with 50% mercury along with other metals like silver, copper, tin, or zinc. 
  • Composite. Because it’s made of materials like powdered glass and acrylic resin, composite fillings are often a shade that more naturally matches the teeth already in your mouth. They contain no mercury.
  • Gold. Gold fillings are extremely durable, and can last longer than 20 years! However, they are among the most expensive of the filling options.
  • Porcelain. More prone to damage than gold fillings, porcelain fillings are often used because of their ability to blend in with the natural tooth.

Why are Composite Fillings a Great Choice?

Although it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist about what’s right for you, many people will find that composite fillings work best for them. Because they match the color of your teeth, they allow for a more natural-looking smile. Also, many people might be concerned about the mercury content of amalgam fillings. All in all, composites are a natural-looking, safe option that will definitely help contribute to your strong, healthy smile!

What to Expect: Preparation, Pain Management, and Treatment After Fillings

  1. Preparation. Before determining that you need cavities filled, your dentist will probably do a physical exam or have x-rays taken. From there, you’ll talk to your dentist about what to expect and discuss your filling options. At this point, you can also talk to your dentist about options for anesthesia. While most patients are okay with local anesthetic, others might want to discuss their options.
  2. Pain management. During the procedure, you won’t have to worry about feeling any pain. As you prepare for the filling, your dentist will administer the anesthetic that you agreed upon so that you can have a pain-free experience.
  3. Filling. To place the filling, your dentist will drill into your tooth, remove the decayed area, and carefully clean the area to ensure no bacteria is left behind. Then, they will insert the filling material to fill in the hole left by the cavity. Then, they’ll shape and mold it carefully to make sure there are no rough edges.
  4. After treatment. Expect to feel a little bit numb after the filling, since the anesthetic might still be in effect. Avoid chewing on the side where your cavity was filled until you regain sensation, since you don’t want to bite your tongue or cheek by accident. Usually, you won’t experience any pain after a filling, though you may experience some sensitivity.

How Much Do Fillings Cost?

Depending on the tooth that needs a filling, the type of filling you get, and your dentist, the costs can vary. For example, a composite filling for a back tooth can cost around $90 to $250 for one or two teeth, while porcelain fillings can cost anywhere between $250-$4,000. Generally, gold fillings are the most expensive. Keep in mind that most dental insurance will help cover some of the cost of fillings — between 50 and 80% of the cost. If cost is a concern, talk to your dentist about any financing or payment plan options they might offer. 

Dental Fillings Near Syracuse, NY

At Smiles by Design, our professional dental team provides compassionate care to patients near the Syracuse, NY area. Since we’re experts in offering metal free fillings to our patients, you can rest assured you will have a pleasant, quick, and easy experience in our office. If you’re ready to get started, please contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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